Art Media Poetry Writing

Keys – A Poem

Hello there. I recently came across some poems I had written back in high school and college; while a lot of them are, well, not great, there were a few upon re-reading after all this time that I am still pretty happy with.

Here’s one I wrote about Ernest Hemingway back in May 2002. I hope that you like it. 🙂


The “last round” bell clanged, sending
Island night owls slowly shuffling out.
Drunkenly, Ernest eyed the lighthouse above tops of trees
Showing the way home, stumbling back from Sloppy Joe’s.
Cracked chips of paint cling
To his hands in the humidity, from clutching too tightly
At railings, mounting the porch steps where
Six-toed felines and a wife wait on Whitehead Street.
Frenetic keystrokes compose chapter after chapter, putting genius on paper
Before electroshock and shotgun solitude can take it away
Like Castro confiscated his Cuba, leaving
An old man and his sea of sorrow, stretching
Ninety miles to Havana Harbor.

Beauty Faith Media Music

Easter Mixtape

Here’s an Easter Mix I put together a few years ago made up of songs by Andrew Peterson and Jill Phillips. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

01. Andrew Peterson – All Things New [0:00]
02. Andrew Peterson – Serve Hymn / Holy is the Lord [3:50]
03. Jill Phillips – All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name [8:02]
04. Andrew Peterson – High Noon [11:34]
05. Jill Phillips – Praise to the Lord the Almighty [16:01]
06. Jill Phillips – Hosanna [18:58]
07. Andrew Peterson – Hosanna [24:15]
08. Jill Phillips – Christ the Lord is Risen Today [28:28]
09. Jill Phillips – Fairest Lord Jesus [32:25]
10. Jill Phillips – Man of Sorrows [36:49]
11. Jill Phillips – Lamb of God [40:08]
12. Andrew Peterson – The Good Confession (I Believe) [45:09]

You can get these songs from the following albums, which are highly recommended:

Andrew Peterson – Love and Thunder

Andrew Peterson – Resurrection Letters, Volume II

Jill Phillips – Kingdom Come

Art Beauty Faith Media

Agnus Dei


[!] Media

WordPress 3.0 is out!

WordPress 3.0 came out today, and it has a lot of new features and bugfixes. Check out the video about what’s new below.

You can grab version 3.0 here.

Art Faith Life Media Music

John Mark McMillan – How He Loves: A Song Story.

A month or so ago I ran across a song by John Mark McMillan, listened to it, and loved what I heard. Anyway, one of the songs off his last record is called “How He Loves.” John actually breaks down while singing the song at the end of the recording. It’s very beautiful; give it a listen.


A few days ago, John posted a video explaining what the song is all about. It’s worth watching.

How He Loves : A Song Story from john mark mcmillan on Vimeo.