
Mastodon Verification

Happy 2023! A new year, a clean page, a blank slate.

I’ve been a Twitter user for a number of years, but some of the changes being made over there are somewhat concerning, and a Twitter-like federated social network called Mastodon has gained momentum as a Twitter alternative.

Someone here in Charlottesville has started a Charlottesville-centric Mastodon instance over at, which is pretty cool.

If you live elsewhere, there are numerous instances you can join, all of which interact with one another. Several popular ones are,, and even!

You can find me over at Feel free to register and come say hi. 🙂

Art Faith Media Music Uncategorized

Behold the Lamb of God: Live at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church

Last December I had the opportunity to watch Andrew Peterson and a bunch of his friends perform his album Behold the Lamb of God live from start to finish in Richmond.  Andrew has been touring this album every December for the past 4-5 years all across the country, and I hope he continues to for many years to come.

Watching this group of people play together is such a treat; the lineup is heavy on talent, including the likes of Andrew Osenga, Jill Phillips, Andy Gullahorn, Ben Shive, Pierce Pettis, and multiinstrumentalist Gabe Scott.  All in one room.  All creating something beautiful together.

Suffice to say, this was one of the highlights of my December.

Anyway, a while back I ran across a video someone had compiled for the Behold the Lamb of God performance at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington, KY.  It’s really well put together and gives a good preview of what it is like to attend one of these concerts.  Take a look at the video below (be sure to click “HQ” to view it in high quality!) and prepare to block out an evening or two this coming December to go watch them play.


If you don’t already own it, you can purchase Behold the Lamb of God in the store over at The Rabbit Room.  It’s one of my favorite albums, and I could listen to it all year long.

(Yeah, I know it’s August, but I was unable to find an embeddable version of this video before now.  It’s still worth watching.  🙂 )


Andrew Peterson – Family Man

“Family Man” from Trevor Little on Vimeo.